Wednesday, August 8, 2007

stochastic metastasis

After staring at my computer screen and simultaneously flipping through the glossary of my "The Biology of Cancer" textbook, inspiration struck and I completed the arduous task of coming up with a name and address for my new blog. "Stochastic metastasis?" you say. "What can she possibly mean? Random, probabilistic malignant growths forming at one site in the body, the cells of which derive from a malignancy located elsewhere in the body?* That makes absolutely no sense." If that is indeed what you're saying, please, let me end your puzzlement.

It occurred to me that the fact that I now live somewhere in middle America (that's Omaha, for those of you who don't listen to Counting Crows) after living first in Utah and then in Philadelphia is quite random, although there was certainly a greater probability of my moving here than, say, Timbuktu, since I have a sister already here. So there's the stochastic part. I, myself, of course, am the metastasis part. That's right, I just called myself a metastasis. Originally from Utah, now forming a growth in Omaha. All that remains to be seen is whether I remain a mere micrometastasis, apparent only through microscopy, or whether I succeed in overcoming my hostile environment and cloning myself to become an all-out, macroscopically-visible neoplasm.

*In the tradition of Nikki, I'll be using the good ol' * to denote foot notes. In this case, I'd rather not be a plagiarist, so yes, I'm citing my source. Weinberg, Robert A. The Biology of Cancer. 2007.


Nicole said...

Damn that's clever. Too clever. It should have been mine.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!