Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cicadas-not just for annoying you with incessant buzzing

This past week I haven't been sleeping well. At first, it was thanks to random thunderstorms. I'm pretty sure I was woken up at least three times by sudden bursts of thunder. One night I was in that confused state you get in when you're abruptly woken and are still half asleep, and I couldn't figure out why it was so light outside when my clock said it was 3 AM. Then I realized (and in my delirious state, it probably took me several minutes) that it was actually lightning. Anyway, so the storms kept waking me up at all hours of the night. A couple of days ago, when the forecast was thunderstorm-less, I thought I was finally in the clear. Little did I know...(that sounds pretty ominous, right? Cause it's supposed to)

Little did I know that somewhere, some cicada had my number. You may know cicadas from their omnipresent, unceasing serenade (by serenade I'm thinking more 1812 Overture than Eine Kleine Nachtmusik) of grating buzzing. Well, I have good news for you--cicadas can do more than just buzz obnoxiously! They can also dive-bomb windows! Yes, it's true. Last night I spent about two hours lying awake in bed, listening to one repeatedly collide with the glass of my window. Honestly, I don't know why it didn't die. I mean, that bug must have had an exoskeleton of steel. I should probably check my window for chips today, just to make sure, what with how honkin' huge it was. You may be imagining a small moth-sized bug and thinking that I'm just a big whiner, but in truth, this cicada was roughly the size of a Bolivian fruit bat. At first, I couldn't figure out what I kept hearing, but after perhaps ten minutes of staring out my window, I noticed the humongous insect, crawling along on the sill. Anyway, last night, when I first saw it, I wasn't actually sure what it was, but I had plenty of time while I lay there, unable to sleep, to identify it, and then this morning I verified my identification skills via the internet.

I also suspect that I had difficulties falling back to sleep due to an irrational fear of said cicada. Although, it wasn't really irrational. Have you seen a cicada? They're hideous. My niece Abby seems to have this strange fear of flies, and wakes up sometimes from nightmares about them, but I think that maybe she's really having nightmares about cicadas. No, really. Do a google image search for cicadas and tell me they aren't scary. Cause they are.


Nicole said...

I love it that you said "honkin'." There's a word you don't see everyday. I mean, people say it all the time. But it rarely makes it into literature.

I think cicadas are beautiful. I tried to save one yesterday.

cassi said...

Nik, you should have seen this one. It was a monstrosity. Of course, I may be bias because it was trying to break into my apartment and kill me.

Nicole said...

Yeah, whatever. You're just scared of bugs. I'm not scared of anything. Except swimming with the fishes. And I mean that literally, not the euphemism for being fish food, i.e., dead.

Nicole said...

I'm glad you started a blog so you could . . . not post.

Dani said...

Yeah, Cass, when did you start this, and not tell us all? You brat. Now we just need to get our wayward sister, Kelly, to begin a blog, and mom and Ter, and the Grotepas family will be complete in the blogging world.

cassi said...

Look, Nik. I posted again. I just took my time, to, you know, increase your anticipation. Build up the hype.