Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I want da gold

Kyle showed me this hilarious video of a newscast from Mobile, Alabama. He's from the northwest area of Florida, and tells me that occasionally they'll catch segments of the news from Mobile. Seriously, this is an actual newscast. According to Kyle, it's rather characteristic of Mobile, which makes me totally want to move there just so I can live out the rest of my life in a state of constant entertainment.

He also showed me this amazing remix of the newscast. I almost died watching this. Literally. I laughed so hard that I think I nearly suffered an aneurysm. There's really just nothing more I can say about how awesome this is.

"It could be a crackhead...."
"This suit wards off spells..."
"This is a special leprechaun flute that's been passed down from THOUSANDS OF YEARS ago by my GREAT-GREAT-GRANDFATHER"
"I wanna know where da gold's at. I want da gold. Gimme da gold."


Megs said...

Ok, I am totally stealing this and putting it on my blog because I fell in love. Thank you for this gift.

Nicole said...

Killed me. All the quotations you wrote down were the best highlights. The crackhead comment killed me.

Dani said...

Cass, it's time to update your blog. January 29th? That is pathetic. :)